Warriors of Mari-Ur_The Reaping Read online

Page 7

  Amelia's chin quivered and a single tear spilled down her cheek. She couldn't explain how, but she knew, really knew, for the first time since she left Earth, she was going to be ok. She felt relief and could feel her entire body and mind relax. She did need sleep. She wanted to sleep for days. Mattaki reached out with his massive hand and wiped the tear from her cheek. "I will discover what has happened at the Hive and inform you in the sunrise." Amelia, satisfied and suddenly exhausted, turned and hurried silently away to her room. Mattaki was grateful to at last have distance between them. Every muscle in his body was tense and his heart beat as fast as if her were preparing for battle. She will be a battle, he thought, but she was a battle worth winning and he vowed to not loose.

  Oh my God, Amelia thought. How was this even happening to her? This had to be the world's most drawn out and vivid nightmare. She lay in the bed wondering if she could wake up and go back to her boring existence of studying bees instead of being here with a seven foot magenta alien telling her she was his mate. How could she be his mate? She had never met him. Didn't she get a say in any of it? Was this why humans had been brought here? To be some brood mares for a planet full of cavemen? She had to admit he was hot though. Wow, where did that thought come from, she wondered. No, she could not allow herself to think like that no matter how jumbled her thoughts were at the moment. Had he just decided he wanted a female and snatched her up? Why would he want her? What made her so special? How would that work anyway? Did their anatomy even match up? Why was she even thinking about the big alien guy's anatomy anyway? Did his anatomy match the rest of him? She had to stop thinking about it, there was no way she was going to be an alien bride.

  Amelia tossed and turned unable to calm her mind. Though she was exhausted she was still full of energy. She knew she had to get control of her emotions and start thinking like a scientist instead of some strange alien abductee. But the scientist in her was afraid to face the real truth. She was the alien. She was a stranger on a strange planet, she didn't speak the language and the only people she knew were either trying to make her their mate, or were possibly dead along with a lot of humans back at the Hive.

  Just keep it together, she told herself. Taking several deep breaths and squeezing her eyes shut, Amelia attempted to calm herself. Mattaki had not tried to harm her. He had said he was a warrior assigned to the Hive, so it was possible he planned to keep her safe. He spoke English, but he had a strange speech pattern, not unlike someone who had only recently learned a new language. Maybe he was mixing up his words or his meanings. Maybe he didn't mean mate, maybe he meant partner, like they would be working together at the Hive. Of course, that had to be it, she thought. The Mari-Ursians were way ahead of Earthlings; they were far too advanced to be cavemen claiming brides by throwing them over their shoulders. It's just a misunderstanding, she reasoned. She breathed a sigh of relief and laughed at herself.

  She tossed again in the slightly unsettling bed and tried to get comfortable. She had to get some sleep. She snorted at herself thinking she ever considered Mattaki intended her to be his mate. Although, if she had to be mated to an alien, she could do worse than Mattaki. He was pretty easy on the eyes, for an alien, she thought. What wasn't to like, she wondered, his strong jaw, broad shoulders or full lips? And the way he had tossed her around and calmed her right down, was super hot. It was one of the things she missed being with Derrick. For all of his bravado and conceit, Derrick had always been sort of timid and self conscious. She couldn't imagine Mattaki being like that. Not the way he dropped his already deep voice while telling her to calm down. She thought about how easily he pinned her wrists behind her back and her clit sprang to life. Did it just get hot in there, or was she really turned on thinking about Mattaki. What in the hell was wrong with her? She was just a moment ago freaking out thinking she was possibly mated to an alien, yet here she was pushing down arousal remembering the way he touched her. Somehow, she knew she wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. Not with the way her mind was spinning out of control.

  Chapter 11

  Mattaki stared at his communicator. It was an encrypted device his father had given him during the Svean Conflict. It was untraceable and the only communicator he trusted at the moment. The longer it was silent the more agitated he became. He had expected to hear nothing at first, but it had been nearly an entire Lep since the attack on the Hive. If it had been only him, he would have attempted to run reconnaissance on the Hive by now, but he had to stay and protect Amelia. When the attack happened, his only interest had been in protecting her and keeping her near him. But now, she may very well be all that was left of the first ship of Ambassadors but he dared not contact anyone for fear they would track him to their location. The hunting lodge had been in Mattaki's family for many generations. Well hidden in the mountainous jungle of Eridu, the lodge was always well stocked with both supplies and weapons, and what they did not have, the land could provide. He knew they could make their stand here indefinitely, but the warrior in him was torn between his need to protect her, and his duty to fight for her with his brethren.

  Mattaki often caught Amelia stealing glimpses of him when she thought he did not notice. She kept a cautious distance from him, but did not seem afraid of him any longer. For that Mattaki was grateful. They barely spoke above anything more than polite conversation about this vegetable or that. Mattaki was respectful of her and the ordeal she had been through, but being close to her and not able to take her to his bed was testing all his strength and resolve. He fought the urge to go to her each night as he lay alone in his bed, oftentimes stroking himself as he thought of her. He could hear soft whimpers coming from her room and ached with want at the thought of her doing the same. Fated ones often felt a telepathic pull to each other, and he wondered if a human woman felt the same. He wanted her to feel drawn to him, to desire him the way he desired her. He wanted more than anything to think she was in her room wet with desire for him and hungering for his touch so much that she had to touch herself. It drove him mad. If he knew for certain she felt the same he would go to her, but he knew she was not ready. It was not her way. It was not the human way.

  He had learned some Human protocol at the Academy and knew human mating required "courting", but there were many types of courting. He was unsure what type Amelia required. Many types involved providing food to the female, and he was doing that. It didn't seem to be working. It seemed to Mattaki Amelia only had interest in staring out of the windows. She could stare at vines for hours, change position and stare at it for an even longer time. He knew she was a Scientist back on Earth and was analyzing the vine to learn more about it. A mind like hers, required stimulation and he regretted not being able to provide her the technology to satisfy her curiosity, but using the communicator was too dangerous.

  Amelia played with the hem of the white tunic Mattaki had given her. It belonged to his sister Nala. Though it was far too large, she had been happy to receive it. He wondered if this had counted as courting when she smiled up at him in surprise. The flowing fabric draped across every curve she had and fit her in ways he had not expected. The white fabric accentuated the paleness of her skin, but brightened the shadows under her eyes making her appear as if she were glowing.

  "May I go outside today," Amelia asked breaking the silence between them. Mattaki took a deep breath as he considered her request. The sensors had not indicated any activity in the vicinity, with the exception of a few beasts, since they had arrived. The weather was calm and they were well hidden. If he were honest, he felt caged up himself and would welcome a brief walk outside. "There will be many rules," Mattaki began.

  "Such as," Amelia asked.

  "We stay close to the dwelling. You will stay near to me. Touch nothing without asking." Mattaki listed the rules as if reading them from a page. Amelia exhaled sharply and rolled her eyes.

  "Fine," She said after she considered the rules for a moment. "Can we go now?"

  Mattaki stepped outside and looked
around. Nothing seemed to be disturbed so he motioned for Amelia to follow. Taking a few tentative steps, Amelia looked around. It was her first experience on the strange planet and her face instantly betrayed her awe. "It's colder than I imagined," she whispered as if there were others hiding in the jungle. She turned her head from side to side trying to take in everything. "This type of environment on Earth would be very hot and humid," Amelia explained. They continued to walk, careful not to venture far from the lodge in case Mattaki's sensed a disturbance. Amelia admired all of the vegetation with its lush and strange colors, noting the ones that looked similar to what she had eaten so far. She asked Mattaki the names of some of the various flowers and would repeat it in a whisper when he answered. It was true, this land was alive with vegetation and beauty, but Mattaki could only enjoy the wonder and happiness he found on Amelia's face at such a simple thing.

  Mattaki smiled broad and stopped Amelia by holding up his hand for her to wait. He plucked a bright yellow bloom from a nearby bush and brought it to where Amelia stood. "Jeki," he said simply, showing her a flower so large it dwarfed his enormous hands. "Jeki," Amelia repeated, her eyes alight in wonder. Mattaki inhaled deeply the sweet aroma of the flower and then offered it to Amelia to repeat. When her mouth spread in a broad smile, Mattaki pulled the thick stamen from the middle, discarded it back to the bush and dipped a small amount of honey like liquid from the center of the bloom. He brought the liquid to his mouth and smiled as he tasted it. The taste of the Jeki flower brought back many happy memories of him and his siblings roaming this land as children. Now he was sharing the same experience with his fated one. He dipped his finger back into the flower and held the nectar to Amelia's lips, nodding his head to offer it to her. Amelia hesitated for a moment, before closing her eyes and taking the tip of Mattaki's finger into her mouth. Electric fire shot up Mattaki's arm and surged through his entire body as the warmth of Amelia's mouth and soft tongue surrounded his finger. His Nacresscence burned into him in delicious pain as his cock sprang to life beneath his pants.

  A jolt ran between them when Amelia moaned her approval and opened her eyes to see how Mattaki was now looking at her. She knew she should be afraid. Hell, she would be afraid if she was smarter, but she could feel the warmth emanating from him and entering her in the very center of her chest. She rolled her tongue over the tip of Mattaki's finger once more, enjoying the ragged breath he took to contain himself. "Tastes like cantaloupe," she whispered, but Mattaki only watched her mouth. She felt her own breath hitch and fought to break the connection while she still could. It wasn't easy. Each night she dreamed of him. Dreamed of his hands roaming over and discovering her body, stroking her until she was wet and panting in a way no Human man ever had. In her dreams she had no fear of him and responded to his every touch. As ridiculous as she felt each morning, she found herself watching him throughout their long days. She liked watching the way his biceps flexed and glided while he sharpened his various assortments of knives and swords, and how his leg muscles bulged when he knelt low building and stoking the fire. He glided gracefully in all of his movements despite his size making him hypnotic to watch. He kept himself busy in the lodge doing one thing or another, but everything he did, every ripple of his copious muscles drove her to distraction. She turned away and struggled with something to say. "On Earth," she managed at last, "We have a similar flower. It's called a honeysuckle," she began nervously. The moment was awkward, totally hot, but awkward nonetheless. "It's smaller, much smaller, but you break the bottom and suck the nectar from the base." Amelia blushed at the visual she may have created and hoped Mattaki hadn't noticed.

  They continued walking in silence for a while before Mattaki grasped Amelia's elbow and guided her towards a barely noticeable path. Ignoring his previous warning, he took her deeper into the jungle. He reasoned that if he had to, he could toss her over his shoulder and still have her safely back inside the lodge in a flash. The deeper into the jungle they walked, the less sure Amelia became with her footing. Several times Mattaki had to pull her up against him to steady her. She liked it when he did that. It made her feel safer, cared for and protected, and she thought she could get very used to that. If she were honest, she liked the ease in which he overpowered her. Knowing he could take control of her and toss her like a rag doll lighted a fire inside her she didn't even know she had. She could not help but flush at the thought of it.

  At last Mattaki stopped, motioned for her to wait and then leapt effortlessly over a felled triangular tree. He turned and reached over the tree for Amelia. Grabbing her by the waist and lifted her easily over the tree slid her down the length of his strong, muscular body, placing her gently back on steady footing. Amelia nearly squealed in delight, but tried to maintain some sense of decorum. She had never been the type of girl that could get picked up, tossed around or treated like she was a delicate little thing. She had always been the tall and curvy, or "voluptuous", if people were being kind, type. She held onto his arms, his magnificent glowing arms for a moment and stared up into his galaxy blue black eyes wishing he would kiss her. It was too ridiculous to imagine, but she did, she wanted him to kiss her. Her mind was a bit foggy, and she seemed to be tingling in all the right places mentally willing him to kiss her.

  Mattaki, at last, broke her gaze and motioned for her to look. When she followed his gaze, she gasped at the wonder of the most beautiful waterfall she had ever seen. It was tall and fell over large blockish falls that swirled and boiled cool water leading it on a zig zag journey to a glimmering Technicolor blue pool surrounded by flowers and fruit in gluttony of beauty. She gasped. Was the entire planet like this, she wondered. She wanted to ask Mattaki a thousand questions, to get her hands on technology that would allow her to read as much as she could about this amazing place, to taste every fruit and experience everything. She felt more alive than she had in weeks, or Leps, now that she was on Mari-Ur. "It's so beautiful," she whispered, not wanting to look away. "Can we go closer," she asked Mattaki. He nodded and placed a protective hand on the small of Amelia's back, guiding her closer to the water's edge.

  Amelia looked for signs of life stirring beneath the surface of the water but could see nothing. "Are there fish in the pond?" Mattaki did not really understand what she meant. "Fish," he repeated. Amelia searched her mind for a better way of asking. "Are there animals…beasts…that live in the water?" Mattaki laughed at the thought of it. "No, we do not have beasts that live in our water. Water beasts live in our oceans, but not this water." She wondered what the oceans of this planet looked like. Mattaki motioned for Amelia to sit. The ground was soft and spongy, drier than she expected. Like many things, the grass (if that's what it was), was tinged with a bit of blue, but not unlike the grass of Earth.

  "My siblings and I would play here as children," Mattaki began. "My family has owned these lands for many generations." Amelia could only stare at this unusual display of conversation from the man who usually only managed yes or no. "You have siblings," Amelia asked, eager to keep their conversation going.

  "Two," Mattaki answered. "Ninurta is my brother, Nala is my sister. It is her garment you are wearing. Both are younger than I. Do you have siblings back on Earth?" Mattaki leaned back on his elbow and stretched his legs out beside her.

  "I had a brother, but he died."

  "Was he a warrior? Did he die in battle?"

  "No, he was not a warrior. The only battle he fought was with himself, and unfortunately he lost."

  Mattaki did not understand what Amelia meant, but the sadness seemed to cloud her bright eyes again so he decided not to ask any questions. "Where are your siblings now," Amelia asked, changing the subject.

  "My brother is currently at the Academy. He is a warrior as well. My sister, she is too young, she still dwells in my father and mother's home. She is an artist. She will most likely pursue a life of art, but she has much time to decide."

  Silence fell between them again. They watched and listened to the water falling i
nto the stream, each catching glimpses of the other now and again. "Mattaki," Amelia began. "May I ask you something?"

  "You may ask me whatever you wish," Mattaki answered earnestly.

  "Why does this glow?" Amelia traced her fingers along the ridges of Mattaki's Nacresscence. "Ellenaki, she was my medical officer….and friend, she told me some of it, but yours glows more than hers." Amelia dropped her gaze in sadness, wishing she knew the fate of her friend.

  "Nacresscence," Mattaki answered simply. "It is a sign of sexual maturity." Though he did not know why, Amelia's skin flushed a bright pink again as she snatched her fingers away. She cleared her throat and shifted nervously to get comfortable where she sat. Mattaki chuckled at what he now realized was embarrassment. "There is no need to be embarrassed Amelia. It is all a part of nature. When a child begins growing, slight scars begin, usually around the upper chest," Mattaki pushed his tunic aside and revealed geometric swirls and dashes in his skin. "As the child matures, the scars begin growing and spreading down the torso and arms." Amelia could not breathe as she watched Mattaki's fingers trace down the length of his Nacresscence. She imagined his fingers tracing those lines on her skin so many nights since she arrived and the way his hands moved now caused her mouth to parch and her thighs to light on fire.

  "Then," Mattaki continued, aware at how intently Amelia watched him now, "When one reaches the age of 25 centaleps, one takes their Walk of 100,000 steps. It is a rite of passage where one wanders in the wilderness in a display of courage and survival. It is then, when one is deep in the wilderness that they will see a vision of their destiny. When that vision is revealed, the design completes itself, making a mark on the skin. It is then, according to our mythology, that the Goddess Inanna, the goddess of beauty, sex, desire fertility, combat and war, blows on the embers of our heart and ignites the fire of our destiny." Amelia was captivated by Mattaki's deep and soothing voice. Amelia looked away; too afraid to continue the connection she was feeling.